Thursday, January 1, 2009

New Years Eve

Well NYE 08-09 has been done and dusted. I survived well. We went to a BBQ for friends of ours from the rallying community that have decided to relocate to QLD. It was good to hang out with everyone in a non pub environment. I didn't eat to much or feel the need to clear any blockages so the night went well. I drank soft drink all night and the fizzy didn't really bother me as I used a lot of ice to flatten it.

The next morning though was a different story. After having breakfast of 2 Weetbix at the home of the friend we were staying with at we decided to make for home. Due to it being 3 hours since I last ate and assuming that we would probably get stuck on the freeway we decided to have a pie on the way home which was going well except that driving and eating a pie is not the best idea for someone driving home on the freeway with all the insane hungover Sydney people and holiday makers with tired kids screaming in the back seat. I know as a lap banded person I should concentrate on eating very small bites and taking my time, but I have learned my lesson for today after pulling over on the side of the road after eating half the pie while driving and feeling very average so for the next 20 km I was trying hand not to panic. After pulling up on the side of the road and putting on a spew show for the passing motorist we continued on our way home without further incidents and we didn't even encounter any accidents or police which is very odd driving from Sydney to Newcastle on new years day.

I am having problems sometime gauging how much I can and can't eat of some foods. Dry food doesn't seem to block and I can eat heaps more of it than soft mushy food like pasta salad and potato bake. I have a lap bandster plate that has markings on it as to how much I should be eating but hubby doesn't like me taking it out with me, don't know why...... Also I need to concentrate when I'm eating, i.e not driving through Sydney traffic, not trying to have an involved conversation with friends at dinner, not trying to eat as much as I could before the banding. Oh well I will learn or I will get very good at finding toilets no matter where I go.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

Hi There, yes, I am experiencing very similar issues with quantities. Sometimes I can eat a normal sized portion, then the very next meal, can't keep two bites down.

I think it is ALL to do with the chewing...the more we chew, the easier it goes down. Then we can fit HEAPS in. Not good. But, on the other hand, if we don't chew enough and it gets stuck, we can't even eat a bandit sized meal.

Talk about steep learning curve. I am off to the surgeon tomorrow morning for my second fill, so hopefully i will feel fuller quicker and for longer.

Where did you get your plate from? That sounds interesting. I would definitely use it at home, but I doubt that I would take it out with me. I am that self conscious about getting "stuck" in public that I chew like crazy whenever I eat out. It is at home alone that I have the problems with not chewing enough.

Anyway, Happy New Year to you, i will be following your journey, so make sure you keep blogging,
