Saturday, January 31, 2009

Bit of pain day

Well I have had one of those days, I didn't feel like much breakfast so I just had a celebrity slim shake, I was about to go out to the shops when I developed left shoulder and neck pain. I have never had this pain before, so in the car I had some Panadol and Brufen that had a little trouble going down. Very strange as I have never had problems with tablets before. We got to the shops and I shared a muffin with my husband and I think between the painkillers and the muffin the pain has gone.

While I was at the shops I got my 2nd charm in my weight loss journey. I purchased a cross as the nurse hat is apparently no longer available. My mum is a nurse and she is the reason I have my lap band, she suggested it, supported me getting it and paid for it.

Tomorrow I leave for Armidale for a week for Uni. I am doing my uni course by correspondence so I attend the campus for a week every semester for a week for lectures. During this week traditionally we get feed good food from the dormitory where we stay but we have our own little stash of "other food stuffs " in the fridge in our rooms. Traditionally I don't do any sort of exercise except walking up the big hill to the lecture hall and walking around the uni campus.

So I must leave you and attempt to finish packing and getting into the uni zone of mind.........

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