Monday, January 19, 2009

My Qld trip

Well I have been to Tallebudger near the Gold Coast for a friend of mines housewarming party. I did well food wise. I only had one chuck due to a chicken drumstick that wasn't quite chewed enough. As I said to my friend Karen I eat like a 2 year old, ie,I take a while, don't eat much and when bored I play with the rest. Really enjoyed myself and would love to do it again real soon but maybe without the 8 hour drive both ways in one weekend.

Bandwise I feel good. I am having another fill hopefully on Wednesday so that we curb the amout I am eating and keep me fuller for longer as at the moment I have to eat every 2-3 hours to keep the rumbling at bay. For all saying it is head hunger or you are just dehydrated I drink over 2Ls a day and if i don't eat when my tummy rumbles I get dizzy and feel really odd. I am going to discuss all this with my wonderful dietitian Bronwyn.

1 comment:

Tracey said...

I laughed out loud at the 2 year old analogy...I can totally relate to that. Small serves, small bites, chewed to smithereens and there is nearly always more on our plate than we can

Good luck with your next fill.
