Saturday, March 21, 2009

Need some more hours in the day and energy

Hi all, well I stepped on the scales this morning and I have lost another few grams bringing it to 12.4kg lost. I just wish I had more time in the day to fit everything in. I get up at 5am check emails and other stuff, have breakfast, leave for curves about 6am I'm there till 6.45ish then to the pool and I'm there till about 8am then off to work. I'm home from work about 5.30-6pm then I have dinner do some hand weights in front of TV or in bed and then I am so tired from doing all that, that I find it difficult to be able to get motivated to do any uni work and I'm so tired that I am in bed by 8.30pm. I am running out of time to do everything, so the house is a mess, I am so behind in everything and I am getting down in the dumps about it all. I am so over it all that it would be so easy to give it all up and go back to the easy life of shift work in the hospital with good pay again, rallying on the weekends and family life again. I enjoy going to the gym and I know where the uni course is going to get me but it is giving me hell just getting there. I work in the Doctors offices so I have a Monday to Friday day job, but the pay is crap and I feel I am losing my clinical skills, but I do have my weekends and evenings free but unfortunately they don't pay the bills or help to get savings in the bank. Oh woe is me that is my whinge for the day.....................

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