Saturday, May 30, 2009

Placement over, back to the real world.............

Well my 2 weeks of nursing placement are over. I am looking forward to getting back to my normal routine next week of Curves, pool and work. I have now lost a total of 17.2kg, despite not doing any exercise in the last 2 weeks and eating some very unhealthy choices. Oh also looking forward to getting paid again, I have nearly forgotten what that is like.

Husband still hasn't found a job, but does have a job interview on Monday. Isn't exactly what he is after but it is a start in the right direction. I have been feeling really helpless for him as there isn't really anything I can do for him except cheer him up.

Well the next 3 weeks are going to be the busiest and the most stressful for a while. We have to find a new car before next weekend, study for exams, go to course for work, curves, pool, work, go to Bega over the long weekend for a car rally, then come home, study for exams, curves, pool, work, another course for work, then sit the exams the week after. I have been really slack with my uni work so I am hoping for a miracle that my studying will actually stick in my head.

I have also started seeing a psychologist for my depression and I feel a real connection with her so I am hoping for some great outcomes. I have also redefined some goals in life to more manageable ones.

Sunday, May 24, 2009


Well as of this morning I have lost 17.2kg. I haven't been to the gym this week as I have been at placement at Wyong and have been starting by getting up at 5am and not getting home till about 5pm. I have still been having some self doubt moments but I am going to see a psychologist to sort out some helpful solutions tomorrow. I have been going well with food until today but we are all allowed a bad day here and there aren't we??

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

More Fill

Well I don't know what I have done but I must have smiled at someone good. I rang today to get a fill appointment and what do you know I get in last thing today. I have lost some weight since the last time I have been there and Bronwyn the dietitian and Tony the fill doctor were very impressed with my progress. So I now have 6mls in my band. I am hoping this kick starts my weight loss again because it appears to have stalled in the last few weeks